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EU CERTIFICATION PTE LTD has developed a nonconformance reporting system that:

• identifies the problem

• segregates faulty equipment pending resolution

• establishes the action to be taken to resolve the problem

• ensures complaints are appropriately investigated and resolved

• ensures relevant action is taken in a timely manner.

Management uses information gained from nonconformance reporting to identify opportunities for improvement, particularly when they are repetitive or of a serious nature.



Problems of major impact are brought immediately to the attention of the Certification Manager who will determine whether corrective action is required.


Control of Nonconformances & Complaints

Client Complaints

All client complaints against EU CERTIFICATION PTE LTD are to be documented by the Certification Manager and are to be investigated immediately by an appropriately qualified employee, independent of the complaint, delegated by the Certification Manager. The Certification Manager will render an expected timeframe for resolution as agreed to by the complainant. This timeframe must be reasonable and timely based on the incident.

A review of complaints is to be conducted monthly by the management team and those complaints not addressed within the agreed timeframe are to be forwarded to the Certification Manager to investigate.

Once satisfied that the complaint has been thoroughly investigated, the Certification Manager is to write to the client explaining the investigation findings and any decisions made. EU CERTIFICATION PTE LTD is responsible for all decisions at all levels of the complaints handling process and shall ensure no discriminatory action is taken against the complainant.


Control of Nonconformances & Complaints

Complaints against EU CERTIFICATION PTE LTD’s Certified Clients

If complaints are received from companies or individuals in relation to their dealings with an organisation certified by EU CERTIFICATION PTE LTD, the following steps are to be taken:

• ask the complainant to clarify the nature of the problem in writing (email is acceptable)

• ask if they have made a formal complaint in writing to the company concerned – if not advise them to do so

• respond to the complainant that the matter will be investigated at the next scheduled audit

• Certification Manager to record the complaint for the respective client

• advise the client concerned of the complaint

• at the next Surveillance Audit, investigate if corrective action has been taken.

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